1564. Number theory


For the given positive integer n find the number of integers m, such that 1 ≤ mn, GCD(m, n) ≠ 1 and GCD(m, n) ≠ m. GCD  is an abbreviation for “greatest common divisor”.


Input. Each line contains one positive integer n (0 < n < 231).


Output. For each number n print the number of required integers m.


Sample input

Sample output












number theoryEuler function


Algorithm analysis

From the number n, we must subtract the number of coprime numbers with n, that equals to the Euler function j(n) (if m and n are coprime, then GCD(m, n) = 1), and the number of its divisors (if m is a divisor of n, then GCD(m, n) = m). In this case, the number 1 will be simultaneously coprime with n and a divisor of n. Therefore, 1 should be added to the resulting difference.

If n =  is a factorization of n, it has d(n) = (k1 + 1) * (k2 + 1) * … * (kt + 1) divisors.

Thus, the number of required values of m for the given n equals to

nj(n) – d(n) + 1



Let n = 10. We have j(10) = 4 coprime numbers with 10: 1, 3, 7, 9.

Number 10 has d(10) = d(2 * 5) = 2 * 2 = 4 divisors: 1, 2, 5, 10.

The number of integers m, such that 1 ≤ m10, GCD(m, 10) ≠ 1 and GCD(m, 10) ≠ m is

10j(10) – d(10) + 1 = 10 – 4 – 4 + 1 = 3


Algorithm realization

Function euler calculates the Euler function. At the same time, in the variable common, we count the number of divisors of the number n using the above formula. In the for loop, when we meet the divisor i of n, in the variable div we calculate the degree with which i is included in the number n. That is, div is the maximum degree for which n is divisible by idiv.


int euler(int n)


  int i, result = n, div;

  common = 1;

  for(i = 2; i <= sqrt(n); i++)

    if (n % i == 0)


      div = 0;

      result -= result / i;

      while (n % i == 0) {n /= i; div++;}

      common *= div + 1;


  if (n > 1) {result -= result / n; common *= 2;}

  return result;



The main part of the program. For each value of n calculate the result nj(n) – common + 1, where common = (k1 + 1) * (k2 + 1) * … * (kt + 1), and print it.


while(scanf("%d",&n) == 1)


  res = n - euler(n) - common + 1;

